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Turd Wranglers
Pet Waste Removal Services Ltd.
We step in so you don't have to!


604-794-TURD (8873)

Turd Wranglers Pet Waste Removal Services Ltd. BBB Business Review

A member since 2010


Dog poop (and cat poop) harbours a lot of nasty bacterium and organisms that if improperly handled or not removed pose serious health risks to both dogs and humans; It has also become a major contributor to the pollution of our watersheds. 

Due to dogs’ stomach enzymes and diets, their waste is different from that of wild animals, containing incredibly high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. This waste is also packed with very high levels of bacteria (such as E. coli, viruses, and                   ) that linger in the soil for years. As a result, dog waste pollutes watersheds, poses health risks to humans, spreads diseases and                    to other dogs, and presents several other problems for municipalities. In small numbers, these threats would be minimal; but, we are not talking about small numbers. On average, one dog produces approximately one kilogram of waste every three days; and, according to the Canadian Animal Health Institute, the dog population in Canada is approximately 7.6 million dogs (as of 2016) and growing. Nationally, that translates to over 2.5 million kilograms of dog waste per day, and over 924 million kilograms per year. Dog waste is considered a leading cause of pollution in urban watersheds. Studies have shown that as much as 30 percent of all bacteria in urban watersheds can be traced back to dog waste.

Our planet and our pups are made to be loved!

In 2019 National Geographic released a study, Microplastics are Raining Down from the Sky, following an air quality research project conducted in remote mountain locations furthering this point. In 2020, Consumer Reports published their findings suggesting that humans ingest a credit card-sized amount of plastic each week due to increasing micro-plastic pollution.





Hire us today...
You will be glad you did!
  • The problems with dog waste

    Beyond the health risks and watershed contamination, dog waste presents several problems for municipalities, including overuse of landfills, contamination of recycling bins, and ballooning labour costs in parks. Hundreds of millions of kilograms of dog waste is finding its way into the garbage, and plastic bags, bio-degradable plastic and compostable bags right along with it..

  • Turning the dog waste we collect into a resource.

    Segregating and diverting dog waste to anaerobic bio-digesters is a way to turn that waste into a resource. When dog waste is processed through an anaerobic bio-digester, it creates biogas, which is used to generate power. Our company is a pioneer, having been the first in BC and among the very first few in Canada that have begun using this method which has seen great success so far! The idea seems to be catching on, as anaerobic digestion facilities are now being built in several places across Canada.

  • If standard plastic and oxo-biodegradables are dangerous to sustainability, what about bioplastics?

    Bioplastics have recently entered the marketplace in an effort to replace fossil fuels with renewable resources such as corn, starch and other proteins in the manufacturing process. In this case, bioplastics are capable of breaking down under controlled environmental conditions such as exposure to sunlight and moisture - two factors nearly impossible to guarantee or control when disposed of in a landfill.

  • What about methane?

    Additionally, the combination of plastic and animal waste amidst compressed garbage in landfills results in the emission of methane gas into the air - which, as a greenhouse gas, absorbs the sun’s heat, thereby warming the atmosphere and adversely affecting the climate. The release of large quantities of methane gas is especially problematic in studies that show that, within the first two years of emission, methane can be measured around 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

  • One small change you can make

    Even if you don't hire us, help our ecosystem by replacing your daily, single-use plastic, biodegradable or compostable plastic dog bags with our pooch papers and you will be helping to save our planet ONE PUP AT A TIME!